
The Goodfellas

Every aspiring Drug Lord needs capable individuals to form their gang of associates who will carry out tasks on behalf of their boss, the player.

Henchmen are NFTs used within the game for NFD production and to carry out Mission Deals.

Anya Khan
Vinz Testa
Pam Mei


Each Henchman possesses specific characteristics indicating action times and bonuses when equipped. These attributes are:

name icon-immutable

rarity icon-immutable

type icon-immutable

type.power icon-immutable

prod.time icon-immutable

prod.luck icon-immutable

prod.power icon-immutable

deal.speed icon-immutable

deal.respect icon-immutable

The "type" attribute distinguishes henchmen into Sativa, Hybrid, Indica, and Neutral types, determining what the type.power bonus will be applied to.

Please refer to the table nfd.game for specific details.


White; Common; Common +; Common ++; Silver; Silver +; Gold; Gold +.