To calculate how many NFDs we produce, we need to take into account various values related to our equipment in Production, so we will need to consider the attributes of each equipped NFT.
Let's start by collecting the following data:
The initial calculations to perform are:
Assuming only one Printer equipped for production with type "Sativa", the calculation will conclude with:
Each printer has a specific power and prints 2 NFTs.
When there are multiple printers of different types, it's necessary to differentiate the reward based on the power of the printer. The more powerful a printer is, the more NFTs it will receive of that type in proportion to a less powerful printer.
The first step is to divide the reward for each individual power of the printer:
Finally, depending on the type of the printer, we add the bonuses:
FINAL single printer reward = <base printer> + ( <Power bonus neutral> +<Power bonus Sativa> %)
Printers can produce different NFDs in different proportions.
The reward is divided between NFD 1 (printer.nfd1
value) at the percentage indicated in printer.perc
; and with NFD 2 (printer.nfd2
value) at the percentage of '100% - printer.perc
Total Power
It's the sum of the prod.power
value of your equipment.
Total time
Scrolling through all the NFTs in the slots, it's the sum of the prod.time
values of your equipment.
Fibonacci Rule
The Fibonacci Rule is a number that acts as a game balancer.
Currently, it is set to 12776.
Fibonacci number
Based on the number of used slots, extract the correct Fibonacci number.
In calculating the reward, a random variable of +/-10% is taken into account.
Total type Neutral
It's the sum of the type.power
value of the NFTs in your equipment that have ''Neutral'' in the type
Power bonus Sativa
It's the sum of the type.power
value of the NFTs in your equipment that have ''Sativa'' in the type
Power bonus Hybrid
It's the sum of the type.power
value of the NFTs in your equipment that have ''Hybrid'' in the type
Power bonus Indica
It's the sum of the type.power
value of the NFTs in your equipment that have ''Indica'' in the type
Total prod.power
At the end of the calculation, the sum of the prod.power
values of the printers will be used.