Equipment bonuses

To start a mission, you need to decide which combination of NFTs to use for the available slots, for example:

  • 2 Henchmen

  • 1 Vehicle

  • 1 Bag

At least 1 vehicle and 1 henchman are required to initiate a mission. At the beginning of a mission, a player selects and locks the equipment to be used. Based on the chosen NFTs, different bonuses are applied to market fluctuations (deal.respect), and a time limit is set for movements (deal.time).

Depending on the equipment selected at the start of the mission, you will have:

  • Total deal.speed

  • Total deal.respect

  • Total type.power (Sativa - Indica - Hybrid)

  • Fibonacci number

TOT deal.speed: This represents the duration of the MOVE activity. You sum up all the deal.speed values of your equipment, and the value is considered in minutes, multiplied by the speed parameter of the mission (time multiplier).

TOT deal.respect: This is a bonus applied to market oscillations. For example, if a market has a base oscillation of 10% and a deal.respect bonus of 50%, the market will exhibit a 15% oscillation.

TOT type.power: Depending on the type of asset (sativa - indica - hybrid), there is an additional bonus to deal.respect, plus a random percentage between -20% and +20%, added to the total respect. For instance, if we have a total Indica type.power bonus of 10%, Indica NFDs will have a 10% bonus added to the oscillations, in addition to the deal.respect and neutral type.power bonuses.

Fibonacci number is one of the bonuses for market fluctuations, and based on the number of occupied slots, the correct Fibonacci number is extracted.

[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]


So, if a market has an oscillation of 8% (and the player is using 4 slots):

  • Total deal.respect is 25%

  • Total type.neutral is 13%

  • Fibonacci number is 2%

  • Total type Indica is 10%

  • Total bonus = 25% + 13% + 2% + 10% = 50%

  • The displayed oscillation will be 8% + 50% = 12%.