Basic Deal
The basic deal is a simplified version of the standard deal. It comes with some additional automatisms that allow you to always sell your NFDs, but you'll find lower market prices compared to those within the missions.
How does it work?
In the basic deal, everything is done in just a few clicks. As the first step, you select both the slots to use and the NFDs to sell. During this phase, there won't be any NFDs to buy, but you can only sell those previously produced.
Upon clicking start, the slots will be locked, a specific initial price will be given to what is sent, and the time will be calculated, leaving nothing left to do but wait.
The prices will move on their own, both up and down, and only when the time expires you can make one final click, which is equivalent to closing the basic deal. In this click, the previously sent NFDs are sold, and the respect and ePheebo won are calculated.
The won ePheebo represents the sum of everything sold, at the price taken at that moment. The won respect is calculated as the end.
During the "move" action within the basic deal, it's not possible to start other basic deals or missions until the timer expires and the "deal" action is completed.
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